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Welcome to the Toggery Card Store

Once registered for the game at Toggery Registration you may purchase new cards here. At registration, you begin with three cards and no Togs. Once you've earned Togs, you may purchase new cards. Please read the following guidelines before you go shopping.

See the Tog Shop for non-card items that can be purchased with Togs.


<img:stuff/aj/28425/1319420234.png> To make your purchase: Edit this page by clicking the "Adv. Edit" button. Add your name to the Purchase List. You'll need to put all the information for the card you want to purchase, as well as the name of the card you'd like to trade in. Use the following example for your purchase order:
        1) [YOUR USER NAME], Group# Card# - CardName, Replacing: CardName
        Example: [Bookwyrm], Group 4 #3 - Mermaid Lovers, Replacing: Mousey

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1319420234.png> Ensure that you have enough Togs in the Tog Bank before adding your desired cards to the Purchase List. If you don't have enough Togs, you will not receive your cards. :(

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1319420234.png> See How to Earn Togs for tips on earning Togs.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1319420234.png> Out of Stock really does mean that the card is out of stock. If you're willing to wait, you may place your order for an out of stock card, however there is no knowing when the card will be in stock again.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1319420234.png> Cards are grouped by price. The higher the group number, the higher the price of each card.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1319420234.png> You must always have three (3) cards in your treasury at any given time, so make sure your purchase requests still leave you with three cards.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1319420234.png> Think carefully of which card you want to replace, as you'll receive half of its purchase price when you return it. This information must be added to your Purchase List order.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1319420234.png> If you'd like an overview of what cards are in stock, what artist made which card, etc. see Toggery Card Inventory.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1319420234.png> If you have not logged into Elfpack for more than 100 days your cards may be removed from your house. This is to keep cards in circulation for active players.

The Cards

Starter GroupGroup 1
(5 Togs)(6-9 Togs)
Group 2Group 3
(10-19 Togs)(20-29 Togs)
Group 4Specials
(30+ Togs)(Unique)


Purchase List

Please read Guidelines above before making your purchase.

Example: [Bookwyrm], Group 4 #12 - Mermaid Lovers, Replacing: Mousey

1) [Dorkmuncher] Starter: #17- Hachet Man
Starter: #18-peacock
2) [Orestez] - Group 1 #13 Madhatter / Group 1 #5 Glitch
3) [kittykittykitty] - Atlantis Remains (Group 4, #11). Refunding: Bloodlust (Group 1, #1)
4) [Stephen] - Cast (Group 3, #25)

ToggeryToggery MenuToggery NewsRules of ToggeryToggery RegistrationToggery Card StoreTog BankToggery TournamentToggery CommitteeToggery Help

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Login problems?

2005-03-02 [Kiddalee]: Note: the cards above are only available to players who have only 1 card in their posession.  If you already have 2 cards, you'll have to buy your third from the regular groups Does this mean that if I have my one assigned card I can only buy one starter card? Or can I buy two at once?

2005-03-02 [Sven Welkenson]: If you only have 1 then you need 2 you can buy 2. But since you only have 10 can only buy two from the group at the top of the page.

2005-03-02 [Kaosaur]: Yeah but on "Toggery Card Purchase" it says "NOTE: since we're running with a fairly small staff, we won't hand out your cards unless your selection makes a complete set of 3." how is anyone just starting supposed to get ANY cards at all? Maybe this wasn't thought out quite enough?

2005-03-02 [Kaosaur]: Maybe the starter tog cost should be reduced to 3....except that wouldn't even work because your 3rd tog has to be from the groups...and those cost a minimum of 6. Starter cards should be free.

2005-03-02 [Sven Welkenson]: This was thought through, you people are making it harder than it has to be. You're first purchase should be two cards from the starter group.

2005-03-02 [soul_collecter]: how do i buy my secound card?

2005-03-02 [Sven Welkenson]: You get two at the same time. You need to think before you post. You can buy more than one card at a time.

2005-03-02 [Kaosaur]: Well, why does it say "since we're running with a fairly small staff, we won't hand out your cards unless your selection makes a complete set of 3." ??? That's totally counter to what you just said and only confusing. Please clarify. I don't mean to attack you but trying to figure out that was a bit aggrevating

2005-03-02 [Whim]: There's been a misunderstanding. You can only buy a starter card if you have one card on your house. In order to get the third card, you need to get more togs. To get more togs, register for the first tournament where you'll get an extra 5 togs for participating which will be used to help purchase your third card. For now, don't panic. We'll take care of ya.

2005-03-02 [Kaosaur]: Okay, so if you still can't get any cards until you purchase 3, how do you get your first card and better yet, how do you get any of the starter cards?  Don't you see how the language on the purchase wiki is extremely misleading?

2005-03-02 [Whim]: I'm on vacation and [Amalaswinta] is the manager of this store. Please refer all questions directly to her. I trust her judgement and she'll set you up right.

2005-03-02 [Kaosaur]: No problem. Thanks for helping me clear this up.

2005-03-02 [Whim]: No, thank you for pointing out our flaws. You're making Toggery a better game.

2005-03-02 [Kaosaur]: Well, it looks fun. (I like these kinds of games) and I have a vested interest ([Asrun] is very dear to me and her art is on a lot of the cards) so I'm very interested in this game. Maybe I'll use what I find out to help the game.

2005-03-02 [Amalaswinta]: I've updated the descriptions on the store and the purchase list. I hope this clears things up for everyone :-)

2005-03-02 [Asrun]: I'm going to try to collect all of my art cards. *lol* >:D

2005-03-02 [Amalaswinta]: me too! though it's gonna be an expensive venture, especially Mermaid Lovers *sigh*

2005-03-03 [Asrun]: *lol* You're the one who priced them dear.. XD Mine all all cheap! >:D

2005-03-03 [Amalaswinta]: well, actually, [Whim] kinda priced the first batch :-P

2005-03-06 [Asrun]: Oooh.. :P

2005-03-07 [~Lord Sameth~]: I want the last two haunting cards, how do I buy them?

2005-03-07 [Asrun]: You can only get one of them. You cannot have two of the same card. You must go to "Card Purchase" and request your two cards there byt editing the page..

2005-03-10 [soul_collecter]: who do i talk to about buying a card?

2005-03-10 [Asrun]: You have to register at the registration page. You will be given then your starter togs. Please read the rules of Toggery and gameplay.

2005-03-10 [soul_collecter]: will there ever be any more "the haunting" cards or has that boat sailed?

2005-03-10 [Asrun]: For now, they are out of stock. If the need arises, more cards may be released. For the time being, however they are sold out

2005-03-10 [Amalaswinta]: also: when players start buying new cards (when they've got enough togs), they have to replace one of their starter cards. So, when a player has a "The Haunting" card and chooses to replace it with another, that one card will be back in the store

2005-03-10 [Linn Scarlett]: i want Mousey and Ward, how do i get them >_< *confused*

2005-03-10 [~Lord Sameth~]: Above this commenting box is a link to the Toggery Card Purchase Wiki... Or you could click this link... *smiles*

2005-03-17 [Solitiaum]: oh, but according to that i cant have one *teardrop*

2005-03-17 [Kreature]: Chuck, the crazy clown, has left the toggery card creation chamber, but is not in any of the groups, is he not readyor is he not being used? just wanted to know

2005-03-17 [Amalaswinta]: unless something has been moved to the Inspiration chamber it will be turned into a card, it just won't always be released shortly after

2006-01-21 [skullhead]:

Important Notice!!!

 Anyone who has not logged in to EP for more than 60 days will have their cards removed from their house. Sorry, but there's just too many cards in circulation that don't get used while there are other players anxiously waiting for them...

2006-04-18 [severed_device]: is the store open again?

2006-04-19 [zoloftzantac]: Not yet, we are getting ready to open it back up tho, are you watching the Toggery News page?

2006-04-19 [severed_device]: no but i guess that is a hint that i should be

2006-04-19 [zoloftzantac]: it is a good idea, we can put some news there when it re-opens

2006-05-12 [bugsy]: how do i find out how many togs i have?

2006-05-12 [zoloftzantac]: There is a link on this page to The Tog Bank

2006-05-21 [Draconius]: hey man I cant look at any of the cards on here to see which one i want to spend my toggs on

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: Read the news on mainstuff

2006-05-22 [Tear]: Has anyone ever told you that you are far too active at this site, dude?

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: Nope

2006-05-22 [Tear]: Let me be the first, dude you are way too active here.

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: You can have some of my jobs if you want them :p

2006-05-22 [Tear]: Do they require certain specs?

2007-03-13 [chazmaster420]: {How do I purchase new card's from the starter's pack.thank you)

2007-03-14 [FireGypsy]: Please see Toggery Card Purchase ^_^

2007-05-03 [shinobi14]: WOW! ZZ, you look busy on this wiki!! Every comment you reply to... well done! XD

2007-07-29 [NeVEr GuNnA REgrEt]: can u get that card out of my house, i really dont want it anymore. PleasE?

2007-07-30 [kittykittykitty]: I'll add you to the TCR- Toggery Card Removal program :) Your card will be removed some time in the future ^^

2007-09-22 [tazz]: kitty is there any way i can remove two of my cards so i can get two news ones

2007-09-22 [Bookwyrm]: Kitty is away right now, unfortunately. :(

If you'd like to replace two of your cards, you can do so on Toggery Card Purchase. Look under the Advanced Purchase list for how to do so and an example. If you'd like to have them removed without exchanging...well I'm not certain about that. You may have to ask [FireGypsy] about that. :)

2007-09-22 [zoloftzantac]: no, he wants to sell them back to get better cards, advanced purchase is the way to do it

2007-09-23 [Bookwyrm]: That's what I thought, but I was giving both the options. ^_~

2007-09-23 [zoloftzantac]: I miss kitty too ,v_V

2007-09-23 [Bookwyrm]: -hugs ZZ- I know. T_T It makes me sad to see her lack of comments...T_T

2007-09-23 [tazz]: thank you

2007-10-15 [kittykittykitty]: *comments muchos everywhere* :D *feels loved and shnuggles into all*
[tazz], you can find information about exchanging and buying new cards at the Newbie Guide to Toggery#7

2011-10-28 [kittykittykitty]: I have all these pages on watch, so much wiki update spam :D *fixes things*

2011-10-28 [Bookwyrm]: Thanks Kitty <3 I've been doing mass updates to all the pages so I miss some stuff.

2011-10-28 [Amalaswinta]: kitty wants to be toggery crew??? :D

2011-10-28 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah! Seriously, join us. <3


2011-10-28 [Amalaswinta]: would be great!!

2011-10-28 [Stephen]: /agrees

2011-11-04 [Stephen]: *chose those completely based off their appearance and that I like the Sword of Truth series*

There went 55 of my 60 togs. xD

2011-11-04 [Bookwyrm]: AH MA GAH! Zedd <3

2011-11-04 [Stephen]: Zedd is so awesome. I luff him. :3

2011-11-04 [Bookwyrm]: I know right. <3 Is his card any good? I want it because I'm a fan, but I want strong cards more than I want pretty cards. XD

2011-11-04 [Stephen]: It's one of the strongest cards in group 3, so yeah it's pretty good. xD

Zedd is the second strongest, and Cast is the strongest. (Assuming price = strength, at least. I'm not sure how the cards are priced..)

2011-11-04 [Bookwyrm]: I'll have to look at it.

2011-11-04 [Amalaswinta]: cards are priced according to both strength and prettiness :)
the most expensive card in a group isn't necessarily the strongest ;)

2011-11-04 [Stephen]: I choose mine pretty much completely based off appearance and figured the numbers seemed decent. x)

I left a third spot free for my eventual staff card.

ALTHOUGH: If Blobra is made into a card, it should be a strong one. Cuz I'll want it. Even if I actually need to do extra work to get the Togs for it. x)

2011-11-04 [Amalaswinta]: two options:

1. Blobra becomes your personal card (every toggery committee member has one) but then the title would say stephen in stead of Blobber

2. Blobber becomes a group 4 or 5 card with higher stats and the name Blobber

you choose :)

2011-11-04 [Stephen]: I'll say option 2. :3

I'll just withdraw my order of the "Cast" card, which will leave me with 34 togs, plus whatever I happen to earn from work before the card is released. :D

2011-11-04 [Amalaswinta]: cool :)

have you thought about your personal card?

2011-11-04 [Stephen]: I know there's no way I could make it, unless I use the image in my treasury slot to go off. xD

However, if I were to get one actually custom made, I'd like it to be something like in the graphic style of your card (that's my fave style out of them all) with the "me" image holding a sword like my treasury avatar has and wearing something like a white (or green. or green and white) robe. Cuz I love white (and green) robes and tend to wear them in any/all games I play. xD

2011-11-04 [Amalaswinta]: shouldn't be a problem :)
this weekend's gonna be packed with EP stuff... private chat, cards, badges....
agh, again... remind me what I said when I was coming back?
it had something to do with not actually doing anything?



2011-11-04 [Stephen]: Yet you won't let me put you on the Council for it. =P

2011-11-04 [Amalaswinta]: lol!

well, you wanted to put me in charge of the bank... I don't want to be in charge of anything.... hahahaha

2011-11-04 [Stephen]: Well, I need some reason to put you on the Council. x3

Although you really do do enough to warrant an advisory role. :P

2011-11-04 [Amalaswinta]: haha!
well, if you really want me on council, make my role official ;)

2011-11-04 [Stephen]: I really think you deserve it. You've done a lot in a short time, and honestly more than some Council members have. :)

2011-11-04 [Amalaswinta]: ^-^

2011-11-21 [Stephen]: Delivered my own card. :3

@[Lodengarn]: You're entitled to a card for being on the Toggery Crew now.

2012-03-01 [Amalaswinta]: a few Deviant art artists have generously agreed on donating some of their work for new cards!
check deviant art artists to visit their gallery :)

2012-04-04 [Asrun]: Amalas - feel free to use any of mine too. I know I'm not active, but I want you to know you can always use my art for this.

2012-04-04 [Amalaswinta]: awesome! tnx babe :D

2012-04-07 [Asrun]: No worries! <3

2013-05-08 [sammie h!]: Shall I change the name on this? x

2013-05-12 [Stephen]: Nah, it's fine as an example. Thanks though. (:

2019-07-26 [kittykittykitty]: Stephen I need my card!

2019-07-26 [kittykittykitty]: It's only been 6 years

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